Sensory processing disorder is a disorder where the brain does not receive simulation the same as it normally would. This means that children with it typically do not like loud noises and are sensitive to the texture of different foods. Many of these symptoms seem similar to another disorder, Autism spectrum disorder.

Sounds similar to autism, right? So how is sensory processing disorder different from autism?
~Samantha Darby

Sensory processing disorder may resemble autism, but is a completely different disorder.

However, Sensory processing disorder differs from Autism in several ways. Most key is that Autism is a developmental disorder that has other symptoms related to social skills and obsessive interests. Meanwhile, SPD is a sensory disorder, only affecting reactions to sensory stimuli. One of the reasons the two disorders may be thought to be connected is that many with Autism have SPD. Conversely only a few people with SPD have Autism.

Key Takeaways:

A sensory processing disorder is a condition that causes your child’s brain to have difficulties receiving and responding to information from their senses.
Symptoms might include the meltdowns and unusual eating habits, mood, or emotional reactions are often seen in children with SPD but not all symptoms are displayed that a child with Autism will display.
The important thing to remember when noting the difference between SPD and autism is that SPD is a disorder that affects how the nervous system receives messages from the senses.

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