The brain can be looked at either in terms of its structures or its hemisphere. The brain has five structures. They are the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, the cerebellum, and the temporal lobe. The frontal lobe influences behavior, intelligence, memory, and movement. The parietal lobe influences intelligence, language, reading, and sensation. The occipital lobe influences visual processing and spatial orientation. The cerebellum controls balance, swallowing, breathing, and your heartbeat. Lastly, the temporal lobe controls speech, vision, hearing, and long-term memory. The brain also has two hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right side of your body. It influences speech, objectivity, written language, logic, and reasoning. It's also where a number and scientific skills originate. The right hemisphere controls the left side of your body. Functions controlled by the right side include subjectivity, synthesizing, emotion, face recognition, music/art awareness, intuition, creativity, and imagination.

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