
Judy Hanning's blogs

Education / Feb 22, 2018
Is note-taking in your college lectures too daunting? It may be time to start recording those notes.Read more
Education / Feb 7, 2018
Are you a stressed out, overworked teacher? Learning mindfulness can have a positive effect on your classroom.Read more
Autism Spectrum Disorder / Jan 31, 2018
History has shown that children with learning disabilities often display amazing skills, but they must be nurtured.Read more
Mathematics / Jan 30, 2018
When Common Core arrived, the Catholic Schools of Sioux Falls chose to go in a different direction.Read more
Mathematics / Jan 29, 2018
Conflicting reports argue whether or not American students are really bad at math compared to other countries.Read more
Dyslexia / Jan 29, 2018
Zack Snyder, the creative genus behind films such as 300, Watchmen, and Man of Steel, is dyslexic -- but he didn't let that get him down.Read more
Mathematics / Jan 17, 2018
Do you identify as a “math person?” If not, it many not have anything to do with your ability, but more to do with the support that surrounds you.Read more
Education / Jan 12, 2018
Maybe playing games in school is a part of the answer to achieving higher learning.Read more
Dyslexia / Jan 4, 2018
Dyslexia is technically a multi-billion dollar business. Is that a bad thing?Read more