Your Saturday Autism Wrapup 02/25/2018

We scour the web each week to find the most important news and blogs about Autism Spectrum Disorder. Here are this weeks posts.

1) Autism: The Fastest Growing Developmental Disability (Infographic)

Children and adults with autism need more support. Find out what you can do to make a difference.

2) The Benefits of Massage for Children with Autism (Infographic)

You'll notice a difference in your child when you start massaging them every night for 15 minutes. Share your experience!

3) Autism Awareness Month (Infograph)

Next April, spread the word about autism. You can take action by participating in a fundraising event in your community.

4) How to support people with Autism (Infograph)

If you know someone with autism, here are 10 ways you can assist them.