Your Monday Dyscalculia Wrapup 01/31/2017

We scour the web each week to find the most important news and blogs about dyscalculia. Here are this weeks posts.

1) Freshmen tackle upper-level math in special course #dyscalculia

It is never too early to perfect math skills. The earlier, the better as middle school students are taught harder math skill sets and seemingly learn better as a freshman than as seniors.

2) Students better at math have economic impact #dyscalculia

Florida’s economy is depending on their next generation’s ability in math and science of growing their state both economically and in the realm of technology. Do you feel that math and science are as important as employers and states focus their attention on them?

3) Common Core Update: Feelings More Important Than Accuracy in Math Answers #dyscalculia

There is a new layer to Common Core math. Students now have the option to include how they feel emotional as they solve the problems. The plan consists of both analytical and critical thinking skills.

4) Local students learn about math and science careers #dyscalculia

Career fairs seem commonplace in society. They have been taking place for decades. However, they are growing and becoming a primary source of recruitment for many companies. Science and math is a talent that is harvested from the fairs.