Your Monday Dyscalculia Wrapup 02/21/2017

We scour the web each week to find the most important news and blogs about dyscalculia. Here are this weeks posts.

1) Ask Mr. Dad: Making science and math fun #dyscalculia

There are teachers that struggle to teach STEM and reach out for support. The support is there and readily available and techniques, as well as concepts, are being exchanged so that our students succeed. Is STEM too tedious for both children and their parents?

2) ‘The Human Calculator’ is fixed on helping young people love math #dyscalculia

Scott Flansburg can do the most difficult of math problems with his mind. If you had that ability, how would utilize it? Flansburg uses his skills to teach younger students the basics of math and the easiest ways to approach problems.

3) Math plus fun equals improved logic skills #dyscalculia

A student who struggled with math chose to come through that with a positive spirit, and she passed the growing love for math forward. What are fun ways to learn math and retain the concepts when math is not your strong suit?

4) NBA and Discovery Education Come Together to Get Students Excited About Math #dyscalculia

Discovery Education was able to partner with the NBA as athletes help school age children with math. It is not only special to the child but also shows the importance of knowledge, even for NBA athletes. Should all athletes be held on to that standard?

5) Like a math pop-up, this fair brings numbers to life #dyscalculia

MIND Research Institute makes every effort to make learning math fun and exciting. Often, math can feel tedious and impossible for both students and their parents. In what ways could math be more enjoyable?