Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-21 12:00
Better Study Skills and Homework Tips
Parents can build better study skills among their kids. Teach them to ask questions too.
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Follow a new report that issues suggestions for parents. They should...
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-21 04:00
Dyslexic students face a lot of challenges in their everyday lives. But new technology will introduce great new ideas for these students. Get to know more about assist technology tools for those with Dyslexia. Students can perform better in school and make the grade to pass. Each tool has a specific purpose to help students.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-21 03:00
There will be vending machines in Florida dispensing books. The books will be in Spanish and English. This is being done in areas of Florida where kids don’t have easy access to books. This is a bad thing because in these areas if the kids do not have access to books then their ability to grow and learn in is jeopardy.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-20 16:00
Dyslexic students have mentioned that they face many difficulties. The adversity they encounter might make them reconsider certain ideas. Students are interviewed to get their take on the condition itself. They mention a few intriguing ideas about having Dyslexia as a student. Learn more about their perspective as they move forward.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-20 15:00
In this article we learn about a program called Common Core State Standards and the programs related to it. It delves into its two assessments which are Partnership for the Assessment of College and Career Readiness. The author express their fondness of the program and their doing away with outdated method such as filling in bubbles and onto more advanced ventures.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-20 04:00
Every student wants to achieve in the classroom setting like their peers. Dyslexia training is well worth the effort because of outcome measures. Students have shown progress and demonstrated passing scores when possible. Dyslexia training may become a staple feature of schools everywhere. Students respond well to these training efforts once in place.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-20 03:00
Rita Williams-Garcia was one of several authors of children’s books, recently appearing on a Saturday panel entitled, “Women Aren’t Funny (And Other Essential Untruths for Middle-Grade Readers.) The panel also included kid writers, Andrea Beaty, Cece Bell, Betsy Bird and Erica Perl. The panel was overseen by editorial and marketing analyst, Sharyn November.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-19 15:00
Phones are a tool for learning languages, and they are underutilized as such. One mechanism for learning through your phone is by looking at websites and other online tools. Smartphones have additionally evolved capacities to use phone assistants or other apps to assist in learning languages. Phones and other devices that are internet enabled allow one to learn languages more...
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-18 03:00
The Craig Rotary Club is making reading fun with a program that gives kids a passport to new experiences. As books from multiple genres are read, students’ passports are stamped with a stamp. This would push students to try reading books of all types. This program has been adopted by most of the 4th and 5th grades across the district.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-18 03:00

The article is all about the side affect of stimulant and non stimulant drugs. It breaks down these side affects between the two types of drugs, stimulant drugs versus non stimulant drugs. These side effects include many wide ranging and widely variant affects, based on dosage, frequency of use, and the individual’s physical characteristics.
