Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-05 05:00
Children’s Book Week is an event that several children look forward to each year. Three authors this year will be recognized for their love of children’s literature and these landmarks are very impressionable in a child’s life. This even is presented by United for Libraries, in which the Children’s book Council joint committee and the American Library Association are in charge of....
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-05 03:00
Kate Dicamillo is an author. Jamie Kim is an illustrator. The two complete strangers have a tough task ahead of them as Jamie tries to help Kate illustrate her book. The first hurdle is that Kate’s book has absolutely no words. So Jamie has to provide her illustrations and story help from simple circles and squares as Kate isn’t able to draw other than doodle.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-04 21:00

How many people do you know that are trying to make a difference in today’s world? Many students are looking to make a difference and one set of students from Wrexham Glyndwr University who are graduates are looking to make a difference for children with autism. These students are launching a cook book for children with Autism.

Submitted by Kara Skarda on 2017-07-03 13:29

Children are made to move and exude energy. But here’s a common problem in our classrooms: twenty or more young ones thrown into a crammed room together, sat down at small desks and made to listen, read and write for six or more hours a day.


That’s just detrimental for them. Now, imagine throwing a child with learning disability into the mix. It is a recipe of unending...

Submitted by Kara Skarda on 2017-07-03 09:08

We’ve all seen the parent that’s still trying to do for their child what the child is beyond ready to start accomplishing independently. I just spent the last two weeks traveling with a grandmother who is currently caring for her healthy, three years old grandson. In these two weeks, the three-year-old never once touched a spoon with his own hand. Not once. Instead, the grandmother hovered...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-03 09:00

For any student that is going to college, it is a big accomplishment. It is no secret that college is difficult for every student and finding a way to pay for your degree is another hurdle that many students have to face. However, there are college scholarships that help students with learning challenges like ADHD and dyslexia.

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-03 08:00

Do you remember when schools stopped teaching cursive handwriting.? It was about the time that computers were introduced to schools. The curriculum changed to learning keyboarding. School boards across the country are discussing bringing back the teaching of cursive handwriting as they have found that some college students are not even able to sign their own names.

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-03 04:00
Dyslexia is a controversial topic, but it helps to have all the facts. Find out what Dyslexia actually imposes on those affected. A video is uploaded that provides a quick Dyslexia Presentation in full. Viewers will get to see young people talk about the issue itself. Leave comments and feedback for the presenters who made the video.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-03 03:00
Jeff Kinney, author of the famous “Diary of the Wimpy Kid” only became an author accidentally. Kinney was very surprised that his book turned into such a success among children since he wrote the book originally for adults. Kinney’s inspiration for the book came from his own childhood. His book was a huge success and was even made into a movie.
Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2017-07-03 03:00

ADHD has posed a significant challenge for parents everywhere. They want their children to succeed in school and even life. Surprisingly, there is a diet cure that is attracting attention from the news media. It promises to offer a new alternative to traditional treatment approaches. Read up on how the diet could improve their lives as well.
