ADHD vs Depression – What’s the difference? (Infograph)

When we know something is wrong but cannot pinpoint the problem, it can be stressful. The differences between ADHD and Depression can be perplexing. While ADHD causes attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness; Depression affects your mood, making you lose interest in your normal activities. While both of these disorders affect your attention, they are both very different. For example, people with depression feel worthless and withdrawn, while people with ADHD tend to hold back impulsive behaviors and can't seem to focus on one task. Although it seems that males are more affected by ADHD than males and females are more affected by depression, it does not mean that a male cannot have depression or females cannot have ADHD. ADHD and Depression are both serious mental conditions. If we can educate the public on the differences, we can make a change.

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While ADHD and Major