Brain Boosters and Brain Busters (Infograph)

Much like the body, the brain requires adequate nutrition otherwise; it cannot grow and work to its full cognitive capacity. The food we eat directly correlates to our brains performance, as our diet composes the building blocks that make our brains operate. You could refer to the foods we eat as “brain builders,” or foods that enhance cognitive ability and promote mental growth, or “brain busters,” which do the opposite. These “brain busters” slow cognitive performance and can even lead to mental illness. For the most part, following the guidelines of a healthy diet for the body goes side by side with a diet that promotes good health for the brain. Examples of healthy brain foods are blueberries, broccoli, and anything rich in B vitamins. Foods that will negatively affect the brain are salty, sugary foods, fried foods, alcohol, and even sleep aids.

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