Your Monday Dyscalculia Wrapup 01/17/2017

We scour the web each week to find the most important news and blogs about dyscalculia. Here are this weeks posts.

1) Pi is delicious — and other math lessons you’ll be happy to learn #dyscalculia

Not all math is boring or typical. There are always tiny little secrets and inside jokes that can keep it interesting. For instance, Pi is a fun way to wordplay while also being able to memorize what Pi equals to.

2) MATH, SCIENCE NIGHT: Students get hands-on STEM experience #dyscalculia

STEM is new and it is in a constant state of evolution. What many educators have learned is that teaching in a real world application-way seems to excite the children and also assists in their retaining the information.

3) Common Core’s New New Math Has the Same Problem as the Old New Math #dyscalculia

Math has always been a headache for teachers, students, and parents alike. Every student learns differently and math is simply one of those subjects that some show aptitude in while others struggle even through higher education.

4) Event lets kids compete in math, Minecraft, drawing, spelling #dyscalculia

Competition is natural between children. Whether it is math, spelling, or Minecraft, allowing students or your children to compete for prizes and rewards often gives them the motivation to try harder and for the long-term.

5) Indy math teacher: Students are “thinkers, not human calculators” #dyscalculia

Teachers beginning to take a stand for students as requirements grow for both state tests and meeting Common Core standards. Do you believe our children are meant to be human calculators?

6) Reframing How We Think About Math And Science For Our Kids #dyscalculia

Somebody think of the children! How can we reframe the way we think to better support are children’s interest academically and otherwise? Inside and outside the classroom, encourage your children to use their brains!

7) Math Fun Day #dyscalculia

Kudos to the Florida State University Department of Mathematics for working to get kids passionate about math! FSU just hosted their 4th Annual Math Fun Day for students in kindergarten through high school.

8) East Williston schools seek to better integrate math, science #dyscalculia

In our universe, everything is some form of energy. What sense does it make to teach math and science separately when they are often looking at the same things through different lenses?

9) Fearing math #dyscalculia

Often times, quality and quantity are inversely related. For those of you who may have a bit of math anxiety, this means that more is not always better. Should we teach kids more math or focus on the fundamentals?

10) Oman wellness: Learning difficulties in children #dyscalculia

Have you given any thought to how to deal with learning difficulties? Is this an obstacle that you face in your family? To learn more about dealing with learning difficulties, check out this article.