Your Monday Dyscalculia Wrapup 12/27/2016

We scour the web each week to find the most important news and blogs about dyscalculia. Here are this weeks posts.

1) Idaho’s ‘math initiative’ hasn’t improved kids’ math scores they’ve actually dropped #dyscalculia

When you think of an initiative through the education system, what do you think about? If you are like most people, you believe that this is a way to improve education but this seems to have the exact opposite effect with Idaho’s math initiative. To learn more about how math scores have dropped, read more in this article.

2) Students explore science, math on summer break #dyscalculia

Read how the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program are using their acclaimed summer courses to inspire more female students to consider STEM careers. This summer program is helping to shaping America’s future.

3) There Is No Right Way to Learn #dyscalculia

The road to higher education is always difficult but now imagine having an “invisible obstacle” while trying to obtain higher education. To learn more about the road to higher education on this path, read more in this article.

4) Math magician shows students a new kind of magic #dyscalculia

Although Mario the Magician does not have formally training in engineering or science, his 3-D creations have turned him into one of the country’s top magicians. Read the amazing story behind his tremendous accomplishment.