Dyslexia at Work (Infograph)

Dyslexia around the world can make it difficult for many people to learn to read and write. Dyslexia often becomes prevalent during early childhood stages and, if not tackled early, can lead to struggles later in life in both personal and professional aspects of one’s life. It is estimated that one in six people are diagnosed with dyslexia; therefore it is reasonable to say this disorder is fairly common. In the workplace, specifically, dyslexia can have a profound effect on a person’s productivity. Positively, dyslexics are often considered to be more creative and imaginative, which can be the spark a project needs to be lifted off the ground, or an invaluable solution to an unconventional problem. Negatively, however, dyslexic’s are known for having difficulties reading and writing and can present many problems in office and data entry style environments.