How Learning Languages Affects Our Brain (Infograph)

The brain is very complex and learning new things is important in keeping our brain in good working condition. This infographic begins by discussing the general workings of both the cortex and hippocampus areas of the brain and what their functions are in terms of our daily functions. Mostly used in this infographic are studies from various universities that explain either the benefit or perceived benefit (theory) that learning or speaking a second language can have. There is one instance that is interesting because the university study claims that learning two languages from birth has no effect on the brain. This is an interesting study to include as it is counter-intuitive to the rest of the infographic, which is focused on only presenting positive studies that affirm the notion of learning languages is beneficial. The final part of the infographic says that it is never too late to learn a language, which is something that many individuals believe as they reach adulthood.