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Knowing the difference between the left and right hemisphere of the brain is just the first step to understanding this most complex and little-known organ. The left side is known as the more logical side, while the right side is considered the home of the imagination and intuition. Even so, the differentiation between the hemispheres isn’t so clear-cut. The brain is constantly sending signals between its cells using electricity and is constantly interacting with every part of the body. The brain is like any other body part and develops as we grow. Even so, its functions aren’t set in stone and can be developed through exercise. Reading, writing, and even our emotions are linked to specific areas of our brain. The brain can heal itself through carefully targeted stimulation and can be rewired if one part is damaged. Music is known to have a profound effect on the brain’s ability to focus. Neurosurgeons continue to study the brain to better understand its secrets.

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Rewiring The Brain –