Montessori Education for Your Child’s Future (Infograph)

Montessori is a method of learning that concentrates on independent thinking. This method was developed in the early 1900’s by Dr. Maria Montessori. Every child learns at their own pace according to their preferred learning style. Students learn how to think independently and create a routine that works best for them. By having multi-age classrooms it develops a community atmosphere. The older children can become positive role models for the younger children. By creating a community atmosphere, the Montessori Method gives all students a great stepping stone into adulthood. Students are given the ability to choose their main area of study, this results in a lifelong love of learning and independence. Teachers serve as support and push for creativity and self-directed learning. The Montessori Method has proven to make children more involved and enthusiastic about learning. By letting children have control over their learning process it gives them a sense of accomplishment. Overall in comparison to “traditional” students, Montessori students enjoy school more.