Studying the Benefits of Montessori Schooling (Infograph)

Montessori School was developed in 1911 by Dr. Maria Montessori. It is a child-centered school, wherein the children choose the activities for their learning development. This self-based structure leads to improved math and reading skills and leads to higher self-esteem and self-assessment abilities in the younger minds educated at Montessori Schools. The skills learned at the Montessori school better prepare young students for the higher forms of education, in addition to better preparing them for the demands of the modern professional world. Achieving self-teaching ability at an early age will allow students to continue to self-teach throughout their lives, and by placing them in a situation in which students must all compromise while still striving for effective and enjoyable lessons that they themselves determine, it better prepares these students for what they will be faced with in adulthood in the modern world.

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A Montessori Infogra