root's blog

Parents have an incredible power to shape their children's future. Research has consistently that the parenting styles, parental involvement, attachment, socio-emotional support, and home environment are positively associated with children's academic achievement, psychological well-being and social competence.

Authoritative parenting, characterized by high levels of warmth and responsiveness as well as appropriate discipline, is often associated with the best outcomes in children. Parental involvement, secure attachment, socio-emotional support and a positive home environment can all contribute to successful futures for children. 

With these things in mind, moms have an incredible power to shape their children's future. 


Has your child ever become emotional over homework, reading, math, tests, or just going to school?

Have they ever said anything like, "I'm not smart" or "I'm not good at"

Or shown in any other way that they may be experiencing low self-esteem or lack of confidence?

Those are symptoms that may lead to deeper emotional issues later on.

Does your child struggle with homework? Take too long to get it done, Avoid it, or even get emotional when it's time to do homework. Well, the first step in solving that problem is to figure out what the underlying issue is, and that is what we made this video to help you do.



Let’s get into it. Score yourself as we go. Just add a 1 to your score for each yes answer.


Question #1

Does your child have difficulty holding pencils, pens, or markers, or holds them awkwardly?


Question #2

Does your child have poor handwriting?


Question #3

According to psychology, there are only four styles of parenting. Each has a different effect on children’s academic performance, whether or not they will enjoy school, their ability to learn, their behavior, and how they get along with others. That’s all very important stuff. Right? So let’s go through each and find out which you are. 

Are you frustrated because you’ve tried to help but they still struggle with writing?

And maybe you’re a bit confused because your child may seem very intelligent. They just have trouble with writing, and you wonder why.

Does your child seem to have more trouble with math than others? Just doesn’t seem to get it sometimes? Even math that seems like it should be easy? 

And even after they’ve been shown many times?

Does your child seem smart but just breaks down when it comes to math?

And maybe you’ve been really puzzled about that? You work hard helping your child with math but just seem to get nowhere. Frustrating right?

If that’s you, this video may have some answers for you

That may be funny but it's no joke when your child struggles with following instructions. Am I right?    

Hi, I’m Samantha from Learning Success and I made this video to help you understand why your child might be having trouble following instructions. There are a few possible reasons so let’s narrow those down. And what they may mean for your child.



You can get the series here


Deciding whether or not an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is right for your child is a difficult task. If you don't pursue an IEP and your child needs one they won't get the help they need. If you do and it is not appropriate then you'll waste an incredible amount of time, money, and effort.
