Phil Weaver's blogs
Parenting / Aug 2, 2023

Parenting is a tough job, even on the best days. We all need a reminder from time to time to keep our patience and maintain perspective as we raise our children. That’s why parenting quotes can be such invaluable sources of motivation and reflection throughout our journey. Quotes that focus on emotional intelligence can help remind us of how essential it is for us to not just address behavior issues, but also acknowledge and cultivate emotional wellbeing in ourselves and in our children. Let's take a look at some inspiring parenting quotes about emotional intelligence!Read more
Parenting / Mar 22, 2023

Sarah had been trying to help her son Jake for years. Once Jake had hit third grade she noticed he seemed to be struggling in school, particularly in reading and writing. Over the next few years, his...Read more
Reading / Mar 22, 2023

Books are a uniquely portable magic. Stephen King It is what you read when you don't have to, that determines what you will be, when you can't help it. Oscar Wilde Once you learn to read, you will be...Read more
Education / Mar 22, 2023

Parents are a child's first and most important teacher. By being involved in their child's education, parents can help set their child up for success. Unknown Education is not just about getting good...Read more
Dyslexia / Mar 13, 2023

A teacher sent the following note home with a six-year-old boy: “He is too stupid to learn.” That boy was Thomas A. Edison. It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. Albert Einstein I...Read more
Parenting / Mar 1, 2023

Hi I’m Samantha from Learning Success and we made this video to help parents build confidence in their children. There are many powerful neuroscience-based techniques that build confidence. And we...Read more