This school in Florida is attempting to foster a love for math among children through competition.
Are competitions beneficial in helping your kid do better? Or will just add more pressure and produce the reverse instead?
My kids are incredibly competitive when it comes to a game of “hide-n-go” seek in the back yard, bike races on the sidewalk, video games in the evening…During the school day my kids seem to lose their competitive spirit. How can we combine a child’s natural competitive nature and channel it to produced improved math skills in the classroom? What can we do to engage our children more effectively in their core subjects, strengthen their visual and working memory skills? As a parent, a child’s seemingly indifference towards math or science can be frustrating. Why not check out a competitive math team while they are still in elementary school —not wait until junior high or high school. One school district in Florida is attempting to engage students early in their educational development to enhance a love for math and to “catch” any students gifted in math. This same school district is looking to expand their educational competitions to include additional subjects. As a parent, this is an exciting prospect and trend I hope other school districts will adopt. It seems like a win-win for the kids, a scholastic activity that is not only fun but will foster and enhance their problem solving skills.
Read the full article here.

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