Finding Clarity: An Odyssey with Dyslexia

Despite difficulties dyslexic students have when it comes to reading, it's important to rememer that they do still have potential. As this video shows, the important fact is that they trying, and that the programs and techniques they are using to learn make a difference. Odyssey Elementary School in Colorado has focused on this by taking a bold step in implementing the LEX program. This program was created in order to help these children and to help improve in their everyday life, so they can live just as other children live, strong, and confident.

The school began implementing this program after thorough training and seminars, rightfully believing that every student should be taught to read regardless of how they learn. Since the program's implementation, the parents and teachers have seen positive results after the learning intervention was applied to their lessons. The children were excited about learning and reading, and teachers saw the confidence in their students.

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They are given all the extra time they need to complete assessments, to complete assignments, to process things, to answer questions because that is one of the most profound accommodations you can give someone whose dyslexic is the gift of time.

Key Takeaways:

Odyssey Elementary School in Colorado has taken the bold step in implementing the LEX program to help their students with dyslexia.
The school has conducted research and attended seminars/ training to look for the right program for their students with reading difficulties.
The parents and teachers have seen the positive results after the learning intervention was applied to their lessons.
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