One of the most significant learning skills is auditory memory. The ability to learn through oral information is something that is invaluable to help your child throughout their life. There are some easy tasks you as a parent or other adult in the child’s life can do at home to help strengthen these skills. The first involves asking the child at night about all the things that occurred during their day. A second task is to give the child two simple instructions and see if they complete them correctly – if they do, try to slowly build up to three activities or more.

Play a Game

Another way to help the children in your life strengthen their auditory memory is to play a simple game – clap or tap a basic rhythm (varying time and loudness of claps/taps) and ask the child to repeat the rhythm. Yet another tool to accomplish improving auditory memory is to ask the child to memorize song lyrics and sing them back to you (pick a song the child is not familiar with). A more interesting task is to choose an auditory book and listen to it with your child – this task may be the most entertaining for your child since it can be exciting to listen to a new book, especially through an auditory format. With just a few minutes a day spent on some of these various tasks, your child will gradually strengthen their auditory memory and advance through life.

Key Takeaways:

Auditory memory is an important skill for lifelong learning.
To strength a child’s auditory memory skill, you can play games such having them copy a short clapped rhythm; have them listen to audio-books or memorize song lyrics; or play “I went to the market and I bought~~” together.
When sharpening this skill, keep “exercises” short and fun.
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