Follow a news story that details a special event everyone will enjoy in good time. One town is hosting a sensory-friendly event that every family is sure to enjoy over time. Around 30 families experienced that excitement for the very first time in their lives too. That proved to be a popular occasion that people will want to follow in good time.

That’s why CherryVale Mall hosted a special sensory-friendly Santa event that allows kids like Evan to experience the magic of meeting Santa Claus without the busyness and stress.
~Shannon Kelly

Santa Claus featured at a sensory-friendly family event

Santa Claus is a popular character and people will want to follow how the event itself unfolds. Parents can bring their child to interact with Santa Claus on the big day. Children with SPD are welcome to attend and enjoy the event all to themselves in good time. The magic of the event will surprise parents who want to see the big day unfold.

Key Takeaways:

Santa Claus is an important figure in the lives of many young people. The sensory-friendly event is sure to attract people from all backgrounds too.
The event organizers want to keep people captivated by the important event itself. Santa Claus is ready to meet with a special group of children these days.
Parents are pleased with the progress being made during the event organizing stages. Santa Claus is glad to do his part and arrive on location to meet with kids.

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