Your Tuesday ADD/ADHD Wrapup 11/23/2016

We scour the web each week to find the most important news and blogs about ADHD and ADD. Here are this weeks posts.


If you have ADHD, it’s important to remember that ADHD is a biological condition and it is not your fault! Consider educating yourself and finding a coach or support group to help you see the positives of having ADHD.

2) Diabetes Medication During Pregnancy May Be Linked to ADHD #adhd

Are you pregnant or know someone that is? Do you or do they have diabetes while pregnant? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you want to take a look at this article about diabetes medication during pregnancy.

3) The Mis En Place of (ADHD) Productivity #adhd

Have you ever heard of the term “Mise en place” before? Are you a fan of “everything in its place”? How about when this is put to the test in productivity? To learn more about this idea, read more in this article!

4) Nature or Nurture and ADHD #adhd

Whether ADHD is caused by nature or nurture is an old and controversial question without any clear answers. However, did you know that both nature and nurture can help you manage ADHD? Here are some ways to help.

5) ADHD: Living Your Life Backwards #adhd

Ever get the feeling that having ADHD is like living backwards? You’re not alone. This author explains why that is, and how to help correct your life so you can get in sync with society.

6) How to Survive Those Boring Meetings with an ADHD Mind #adhd

Do you have ADHD? Do you struggle to get through long and boring meetings at work? Here are some handy tips to help you get through those meetings without bothering others.