Those with ADHD often have difficulty staying engaged in long work meetings. Often people will be annoyed by the antsy behavior of someone with ADHD who simply can’t sit still. Since being in those type of meetings are sometimes unavoidable, there are useful tips to help one make it through a boring presentation or discussion.

Sometimes, due to our career, we have to sit in meetings. And due to corporate culture, we might not be able to handle being bored to tears as someone drones on with their 50 slide Powerpoint presentation entitled: What Size Chair Should We Have in the Breakroom.
~Ryan McRae

Tips for getting through meetings if you have ADHD.

Lose the computer and take a notebook to the meeting. One can pretend to be engaged in the meeting by taking notes, but in actuality, they can craft to-do lists instead. Ask questions will keep the ADHD sufferer engaged as well. One can also ask to be excused from the meeting as well.

Key Takeaways:

Having ADHD can make it extremely difficult to sit through boring meetings at work.
Strategies like using a notebook instead of computer and asking questions can help people with ADHD get through boring meetings.
Other strategies include opting out of the meetings altogether, or finding a way to speak during the meeting by giving a presentation.

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