Are you expecting the school system to help? Not all school systems are equipped to help children who learn differently. And the bureaucracy can take years. By that time the need is past. It's a really good idea to assess whether waiting is the right thing to do. This article will help you do that.Read more
Liz Weaver's blogs
Dyslexia / Oct 26, 2018

We assume that attention problems lead to poor academics skills. What if it's the other way around?Read more
Parenting / Sep 28, 2018

If your child is struggling and you are doing everything you can to help, there might be an easier way.Read more
Parenting / Sep 26, 2018

Parents can sometimes do more for their childrens learning capabilities than professionals. It's more about the relationship than the skill. find out more in this article.Read more
Parenting / Sep 14, 2018

Neuroscience tells us that there is a faster way to enhance learning. No it's not more homework. And I discovered it first!Read more
Parenting / Sep 10, 2018

Once a child starts to develop negative emotions around schoolwork things can get very difficult. Fortunately, there's a way out. A struggling learner can learn to enjoy learning once again.Read more
Parenting / Sep 7, 2018

Sometimes you can struggle with a problem for years before realizing the answer is so simple. That's what happened with this Mom who tried to help her two boys do well in school for years with no results. Until one day she stumbled upon the solution. And it was so easy.Read more
Education / Sep 7, 2018

Sometimes our brain uses a skill that is less efficient at a task. Learning can "click" when the brain finds a more efficient way of processing. Learning skills that were difficult can become simple. Children sometimes run into roadblocks in learning. Roadblocks that might be easier than you think to remove.Read more