Thanking people who work in the IEP field is something that will make them feel very good.Read more

Precious / Oct 31, 2023
Lost in the IEP maze? The problem is deeper than you think! Discover the Learning Success System—a game-changer in education. Just 15 minutes a day for real progress!Read more

Precious / Oct 30, 2023
Every parent wonders if there's an unseen element in their child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) that could make a world of difference. Many wish they had certain insights earlier. We've...Read more

Precious / Oct 29, 2023
Ever felt overwhelmed by the terms IEP and 504 Plan? Our latest blog unpacks their differences, ensuring you're equipped to choose the best educational path for your child. Discover, understand, and empower.Read more

Precious / Aug 28, 2023
Navigating the path that best serves your child's needs. Discover insights on finding the perfect balance between support and inclusion in education. Empower their learning journey!Read more

Precious / Aug 16, 2023
Is your child on an IEP? Understanding the IEP process is vital for parents to ensure their child's success in special education. Check out our latest blog post to discover strategies, tips, and expert advice. Let's navigate the journey together!Read more

Precious / Aug 15, 2023
Empower your child's learning journey! As a parent, you are the true expert on your child's strengths and interests. Embrace your role as an advocate in the IEP process, collaborating with educators to create a personalized education plan. Unlock your child's full potential with our tips and strategies. Let's work together to ensure their success!Read more

Precious / Aug 11, 2023
Emotions can run high during IEP meetings, but fear not! Here we'll guide you through managing emotions for a successful outcome. Request parent rights ahead of time, review them carefully, and bring an advocate for added confidence. By focusing on fundamental learning skills and approaching the meeting as a team effort, we'll help your child get the support they need. Join us on this empowering journey to navigate IEP meetings with composure and secure the best for your child's education. #IEP #SpecialEducation #EmpowerParents #LearningSuccessSystemRead more

Precious / Aug 10, 2023
If you have decided that your child needs an IEP, then it's time to prepare for IEPs. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. This video will go through all the important ways you need to be...Read more

Precious / Aug 8, 2023
A diagnosis and IEPs can open doors for your child's potential. Let's explore this together. Let's explore inclusive education together, where we foster empathy and celebrate everyone's uniqueness.. Join the transformative journey now.Read more
Judy Hanning / Apr 5, 2023
The purpose of peer support for students with disabilities is to provide them more educational activities and assist them in developing essential skills. In most cases, the support is given by...Read more