6 Million Visits for ADHD by US Kids Each Year #adhd

Children with a primary diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder, also known as ADHD, recorded an average of 6.1 million doctor visits during the 2012-13 years. A whopping 60% of those visits were to pediatricians or family practitioners, while psychiatrist appointments accounted for 36%. The rate was higher among boys than girls.

Boys are diagnosed with ADHD far more than female students.

In the study at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Ohio, researchers say boys probably accounted for more visits due to parents seeking assessment and treatment for impulsive behaviors in that gender. They also noted that lower psychiatric numbers might also be due to simply a lack of mental health specialists in certain areas of the country.

Key Takeaways:

A large federal study found that in 2012-2013, 6.1 million children with ADHD visited the office of a medical practitioner, equivalent to 105 out of each 1000 children.
Most visits were to family practitioners or pediatricians instead of psychiatrists, and boys were twice as likely to visit as girls.
The survey also found that about 30% of children who visited also had an additional mental condition, and stimulants were prescribed at 80% of all visits.