Choosing a Doctor for ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment #adhd

ADHD poses a significant challenge for parents of children. They are dismayed to find out that their child has been diagnosed. But there is a support group for those who need help. ADHD is well known by educators and medical personnel in all cities. Parents can seek out support from these resources whenever possible.

“The problem is that the diagnosis is routinely missed, and that’s because very few physicians have any training whatsoever in ADHD.”
~ William Dodson, M.D.

The younger ADHD is recognized, the better the outcome.

Understand what ADHD means for young children in school. That disorder has often introduced a stigma for students from all backgrounds. Parents want to find a way to overcome the disorder and the challenges it will present. ADHD has been studied and evaluated by leading scientists. Even educators have done their own research regarding the condition in full.

Key Takeaways:

ADHD is often overlooked in medical training.
Almost 20% of people who are seeking out mental health care have ADHD.
ADHD often occurs co-morbidly with other mental differences.