You have ADD. Your timing sucks. These 3 tips will save you.

Many with ADD struggle with time management. Here are a few simple tips to help with that.

Here they are, bite-sized, to save you time:

  • First, scale back on life’s demands by composing a “dump list”. List things that need to be done. Get them out of your head onto your list. Use a planner or calendar and refer to it often.
  • Second, prepare a beginning of the week pre-planning schedule. Take a look at the week a head and build your week day by day to tackle the important things that need to be accomplished on that particular day.
  • Third, learn to delegate, say no, and focus on what is important to accomplish in your life.
  • Fourth, write out a mission statement that expresses your priorities in life, and get a clear idea of what you need to do to be happy.

 Here are tips from Brenda Nicholson
