Help! I am retaking the ACT this Saturday. I can’t process the questions fast enough and I always run out of time. What should I do?

The ACT test poses a challenge for test takers — how to beat the clock on the exam. ACT test takers can use some simple techniques. In the multiple choice section, answer the easy questions, and skip forward over those that are confusing. You can return to the skipped questions later.

Simple test taking tips to speed up and reduce struggles.

Further, answer all the MCQ’s even if you have to guess. For difficult questions, read the question as if you are reading it out loud but without sound so you comprehend every word. Underline the key ideas in each sentence and use this information to guide your final ACT answer.

Key Takeaways:

Specific advice regarding the ACT in Australia
Tips for success on multiple choice ACT questions
Tips of the trade for standardized test taking