How An ADHD Diagnosis Propelled My Confidence in Dance #adhd

Follow the story of one young person who was inspired by their life story. ADHD actually propelled them to new levels of success that they hadn’t seen before now. That is a popular story and has made the rounds for those who have followed along with interest. People want to see an ADHD individual make headway in the world in some way.

Dance is my escape from this world to one where there are no rules, no disorders, no judgments and no explanations.
~ Jared Grimes

Children with ADHD success at things they enjoy like dancing.

Dance has proven to be a popular pass time for those that are affected by ADHD too. One individual has a story to tell and wants to make a name for themselves that way. Their dance routine has been discussed by insiders and people who want to follow the story. ADHD is a significant challenge and people want to contribute in some way possible.

Key Takeaways:

There is an ADHD diagnosis that has changed the way that people view dance. One person has shared a story about dance that is inspiring.
ADHD can change the lives of many young people in the world. It will be up to them to decide how to handle that condition.
Some people find that they are driven to succeed despite the label. That could give them more confidence in who they are over time too.