How to Be a Workplace Whiz #adhd

If you have ADHD and want to do well at work you should consider taking medication. The long-acting forms of medication will help keep you going through most of your workday. A co-worker or friend at work could be your mentor to make you accountable for the work you need to get done.

Research has found that adults with ADHD change jobs more often than those without attention deficit and have more trouble meeting the demands of their jobs, working independently, finishing tasks, and getting along with the boss. They also are fired or laid off more than their non-ADHD counterparts.

Specialists in the area of social and learning struggles are needed.

Know who the disability specialist in the human resources department at your company is. This person can work with your supervisor to make sure you get the accommodations you want. Get the tools that will help you keep track of tasks, deadlines, appointments and other information you need to remember to do well at your job.

Key Takeaways:

Meeting the demands of their jobs is difficult for adults with ADHD and they change jobs more often.
In the workplace, hyperactive adults have the biggest problems with ADHD.
People with ADHD should consider medication.