It’s Terrific Tuesday!

Let’s celebrate our accomplishments together on Terrific Tuesday! “Actually ADHD” is asking you to submit anything that you are glad you have accomplished in the past week. You don’t even need to identify yourself. Your accomplishments will be shared and you will get feedback from others – even if you have not identified yourself.

Seemingly small accomplishments can be a big deal to someone with ADHD. This article gives readers a chance to share and celebrate their achievements.

You can submit any accomplishment you like (personal, household, school, or other) – no task is too big or too small. Details and examples are given in this brief article. So think back over the week – tell what you’ve done (anonymously or not) and share the joy with others on Terrific Tuesday! You’ll be glad you did.

Key Takeaways:

You can send in information of a product accomplishment anonymously Actually ADHD.
The content of the accomplishment can be anything that you consider to be a success.
The site will share that post with others with the intention of gathering support from others.