Is Sensory Processing Disorder a Real Thing? #adhd

The medical community is debating the nature of sensory processing disorder among certain groups. The population seems to be affected by some sort of disorder known as SPD. There are practitioners who work for the betterment of these students who are affected. That should be a worthwhile consideration that everyone wants to review.

In a study last year, researchers said they discovered differences in white brain matter in children with SPD.
~ Leah Campbell

Sensory Processing Disorder is a struggle of many layers.

People debate whether SPD should be an official diagnosis to use in good time. Disabilities were offered to people who want to improve their ability to read. The medical community wants to narrow down the selection of services offered to the group in time. That could produce better outcome measures that these students are offered as well.

Key Takeaways:

Parents are wondering if sensory processing disorder is a real thing. ADHD students show signs of difficulties and people want to follow along as well.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has weighed in on the debate on their own. That could give parents some insight into the accuracy of the label.
It will be up to parents to seek out support for that disorder in time. ADHD students are making progress and want to make headway in their own right.