Study shows poor children face higher rates of asthma and ADHD #adhd

In a study published by the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC in Pediatrics has shown that poverty can affect a child’s health in both physical and mental ways. We’ve long known that children from low income families have a higher risk of illness, chronic disease, lower birth weights and an average life expectancy almost a decade shorter than children from affluent families.

As it turns out, asthma has risen by 18 percent, ADHD by 44 percent and autism spectrum disorders by 400 percent from 2003 through 2011-12 for all children, with debate about whether they reflect more actual cases or better health care and diagnoses.
~ David Templeton

Doctors discovered low birth weight is connected to mental and physical health.

However, Pittsburgh’s study shows asthma and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as higher risks for children who come from poverty. In fact, asthma has risen 18% in recent years, while ADHD cases have skyrocketed by 44 percent. Financially disadvantaged children with asthma also had higher rates of learning issues, ADHD, and speech and language impairments. Meanwhile, those with ADHD had about two other conditions, with learning struggles, behavioral problems and depression or anxiety being the most widespread.

Key Takeaways:

The American Academy of Pediatrics and Britain’s Child Poverty Action Group have documented several physical health conditions which are more prevalent in low income families.
New research suggests that asthma and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are also associated with low family income levels.
Autism spectrum disorders appear to have become more prevalent among families that make 3-4 times the federal poverty level.