Time Blind

Parents need to know if their child can tell time. A student with ADHD could be lagging behind in that respect. They might not be able to tell time like their peers can do. The ADHD child is ready to learn that skill in good time. Parents can do their part by just observing the child in short order. Take time to follow their skillset if possible that might help the student learn skills.

Being Time Blind

It’s a new year and for many of us it’s a time when we reflect on what we did or didn’t do in 2015 and what we hope to do better or accomplish in 2016.

Key Takeaways:

An ADHD child might not be ready to tell time. That is a consistent trait of students with ADHD.
The educators are wanting to tackle that challenge. Parents can tell their story and make some headway.
ADHD is a big struggle for most students. They might not realize that telling time is important.