Researchers disentangle relationship between autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, & ADHD in children #adhd

ADHD and autism have been widely discussed among parents with these children. Find out the difference between both ADHD and autism among a younger population. Researchers are looking into the data and realize that 40 percent of ASD children also have anxiety issues. Another 38 percent of ASD children will also develop a bout of depression in their lives.

Anxiety is often present in learning struggles.

These findings could be valuable for treatment teams assigned to these ASD children. It may help to routinely assess their condition and assign these children to specific treatment teams. People are working to fulfill their role as it was assigned by a treatment clinic location. These children have emotional problems and will face a number of challenges during their lifetime.

Key Takeaways:

ASD maybe worsed with anxiety disorder or ADHD.
Around 70 percent of children with ASD have either anxiety or ADHD.
Since all three of these disorders affect social interaction, anxiety and ADHD should be taken into account when treating ASD.