4 Your Health: Early math skills may be sign of future success #dyscalculia

Preschool math skills may be a good indicator of future math performance for some low income students. Vanderbilt University Researchers found a correlation between excellence in patterning, comparing quantities, and counting and improved scores in fifth grade math. More than 500 children were tested in six different areas of math for this study.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University tested over 500 low-income pre-schoolers in six areas of math. Those who scored high in patterning, comparing quantities and counting, tended to do well in fifth grade math.
~ Sean Mooney

Preschool math ability can predict future math success for low income students.

In a related study, it was found that students who were exposed to music, dance, and visual arts benefit from decreased stress levels in their lives. Among 300 low income students tested, the Cortisol levels of children who were attending arts intensive preschools had lower levels than students who were not.

Key Takeaways:

A recent study indicates that preschool mathematics skills may be a predictor of future success in school. Those preschoolers who scored high in certain areas also scored high in mathematics later on in the fifth grade.
The preschool skills that were most indicative of future scholastic achievement were patterning, comparing quantities and counting. Conversely, understanding shapes, written numbers and calculating were less important predictors of future mathematics skills.
The study also found that although pre-kindergarten was generally beneficial; public school pre-kindergarten programs were more beneficial than programs given at private daycare centers.