Discovering Dyscalculia As An Adult

This video features a woman named Michelle who didn't discover that she had dyscalculia until the age of 40. Dyscalculia is a condition that makes doing simple math a much more problematic issue. She talks about her struggles of living with dyscalculia, and the problems that come with discovering it at such a late age in life. 

One of the first signs that made her discover that she might have something wrong with her is that she kept bouncing her bank account. Increasing awareness about learning disabilities like dyscalculia can provide an opportunity for parents to have an early testings and intervention for their children. Also, it's important to remember that dyscalculics are not stupid, but have average to higher IQs.

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I was raised in the 80's, we are raised at the time where you had a class with people with severe mental disorders and a class with everybody else and I didn't fit to either one of those. And so nowadays there at least IEPs and kids are getting more individualized attention and that's pretty awesome.

Key Takeaways:

The woman in the video shares the difficulties she is experiencing as an adult with dyscalculia. Among the daily difficulties are budgeting, bank account managing, following road directions.
Current awareness about learning disabilities like dyscalculia provided an opportunity for parents to have an early testings and intervention for their children unlike before when these types of disabilities are not yet recognized.
Dyscalculics are also not stupid but have an average to higher IQ's but there is a need to learn basic, practical math as required for daily living.