Aurora PS hopes a new curriculum plus a new way of thinking will equal better math students #dyscalculia

A teacher provided what she said was the answer to a string of numbers to be multiplied and added. Her students told her she was incorrect. She asked them to prove her wrong. The teacher goal is a change in math instruction in Aurora Public Schools to teach students that mistakes happen and work needs verified to make sure it is correct.

Science and social studies resources were replaced in the last few years to align to standards, but it was done bits at a time. For reading, Aurora officials worked with their existing materials but added some extra and paid for teacher training. But in math, district officials found going that route wasn’t enough.
~ Yesenia Robles

Math is harder than reading and requires different approaches.

Math is usually harder to do than reading. Depending on whom their teachers are students go from one grade to another having learned different amounts of what they are supposed to know. Instructional coordinators and district officials in Aurora Public Schools are now visiting classrooms and tracking test data to see how students are learning.

Key Takeaways:

Students often are afraid to correct their teacher.
Aurora officials have slowly introduced a curriculum that aligns with their standards.
Independent work is fostered so that children have off-time.