Being an Adult with Dyspraxia #dyscalculia

What do you know about Dyslexia? If you are like most people, then you know that it affects children but did you know that it also affects adults? Now Dyslexia is more commonly known about than Dyspraxia is. What is Dyspraxia? Essentially, this is a coordination problem and symptoms often include being labeled as “clumsy”.

Dyspraxia involves coordination issues that may impact your daily activities.

Since Dyspraxia revolves around issues of coordination, it can affect more than just the ability to play sports. In fact, coordination is used in daily activities. Such as brushing your hair or cleaning your teeth. Some of those with Dyspraxia don’t have obstacles in daily activities but they may in other fine motor tasks and gross motor tasks. Read more here to learn about Dyspraxia and living life as an adult with it!

Key Takeaways:

Dyspraxia is a condition that affects the coordination including outward appearances of being clumsy.
Coordination problems can affect all areas of life including daily living tasks.
New skills can be learned but it may take longer and this can affect someone long into adulthood.