Dyscalculia Take 2 (Video)

Dyscalculia is also known as a math learning disorder or math dyslexia. People with this disorder have problems with numbers and math. It is difficult for them to remember numbers. It is also hard for them to understand the logic behind math.

Any existing disorder should be under control first because for all you know they might have trouble with math because they can't focus because of ADHD, but if the ADHD will be under control they might do better in math.

Key Takeaways:

Dyscalculia makes arithmetical calculations severely difficult.
The causes are unknown. However, dyscalculia can be a result of different factors such as: genetics, environment, brain development, and brain injury. It can also be linked to other syndromes.
There is a high chance that children with dyslexia will also have dyscalculia.
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