Early math instruction: A predictor for academic success #dyscalculia

Recent research related early math skills with higher academic success. This academic success can be seen in other areas than math and include success in reading and oral language. Early math skills also involve early literacy skills such as sorting and patterns, which can explain their link.

Effective early math instruction also leads to later success in reading skills and oral language abilities like: vocabulary, inference, independence and grammatical complexity. In fact, pre-K math scores are a better indicator of later reading success than pre-K reading scores, according to research by Dr. Douglas Clements, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning.
~ Education Dive

A blended approach to learning may help students connect better with ideas.

Understanding this, a blended approach to education should be used. It also takes experimental learning for children to make deep and lost lasting connections with ideas. Unfortunately, most schools do not provide this approach to learning until students are in the higher grades. The researchers express the need for a multi-sensory learning system that is proven effective to students.

Key Takeaways:

Waterford Early Learning curriculum, research done by Dr. Douglas Clements, Kennedy Endowed Chair stresses math to enhance all early learning skills.
Strong math utilize sorting, sequence and patterns which also benefits language and science.
Kindergarten children can lose math skills when not reinforced the classroom.