Eastside teacher brings tools for success to math class #dyscalculia

When many students graduate from high school and enter the real world, they discover they are at a loss for how to perform even the most basic “adult” things. Many young people cannot balance their bank account, file a tax return, or even apply for a home loan. That is where Rob Moramarco comes into the picture.

According to research from the Council for Economic Education, students who have taken a class in personal finance are more likely to engage in financially responsible behaviors such as saving, budgeting and investing. For example, 93 percent of those who have taken a class save money compared with 84 percent of those who have not.
~ Patricia Klier

Life-skills are not being taught in modern curriculum.

Moramarco is a math teacher and high school basketball coach who is determined to ensure that his students don’t graduate without knowing how to do the most basic independent living tasks. In his Math for College Readiness Class, he mixes personal experience, expertise, and Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. He’s not trying to teach them how to become wealthy. He’s teaching them how to become financially responsible and successful.

Key Takeaways:

Teachers often forget to teach learners about financing.
If given a chance, a student can learn skills that will make them successful as adults when given the information on how to handle finances.
Children should learn about budget and bills before they graduate from school as to be successful adults.