Education Department Offering New Math Class Aimed At Saving Kids Time And Money #dyscalculia

The State Department of Education in Oklahoma is stepping up to respond to the ever changing needs of their constituents. The State DoE is introducing new math programs in response to rising rates of high school graduates who have had to sign up for remedial math classes when they get to college.

Almost 40 percent of Oklahoma college freshman have to take a remedial math class for which they receive no credit, and the state Department of Education estimates this costs students and families millions of dollars.

The State Department of Education in Oklahoma are changing math programs progressively.

Close to forty percent of college freshman in Oklahoma have to sign up for a remedial math class. Students receive no credit for completing remedial math classes in college but still have to pay for tuition. The new College Career Math Ready class is designed to get students ready for college level math before they graduate.

Key Takeaways:

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is releasing a new math program for highschoolers.
The program has been implemented due to increasing rates of incoming college freshman who have to register for remedial math class.
The state hopes that the new math program will help get high school students ready for college.