Effect of Not Teaching Well in Students 

Today the schools are teaching classes that add no value to the student's ability to survive in the world. They are taught subjects that contain irrelevant information or use techniques that do not require adequate thinking. Therefore the quality of the learned subject lacks subsistence for the student to advance in society and has passed onto the next teacher to handle. We need to get back to the basics of learning the three Rs. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the sources that will make our country get back on top of the academic world.
It is totally inexplicable to me why on earth 12th class commerce students need to study topics like calculus, integration and vectors.

Key Takeaways:

An overhaul needs to be made about math. Students are taking math although there is no clear reason they need it.
Student's are not getting the English education they need as not enough school teachers understand literature.
Criminal education and social unrest are on the rise and reformed education can do something about that.