New software to diagnose dyscalculia via #dyscalculia

There is a painfully long process to receive a diagnosis for any disorder, whether in mathematical abilities, reading, or writing, in most schools in America. Perhaps in your state the child has to fail two grade levels before even being considered for assessment (who came up with rules like these?), or perhaps your child sat through several days of testing to get, at best, a rather nebulous result. If you’re dissatisfied with the system, there may be hope on the horizon. In Spain, new software has created an entire self-administered, child-friendly assessment that takes only 10-15 minutes!

Read the full article here:
New software to diagnose dyscalculia via #dyscalculia

Let’s keep hoping this spreads and becomes a standard tool in identifying all sorts of disabilities. Maybe schools will test more frequently and more efficiently, if the testing itself becomes so simple.