Personalized Technology Helps Students Learn Math #dyscalculia

Dreambox Technologies will help students learn math skills that they really need. Students have shown a lot of progress for the work that they have been doing. These students work to fulfill certain goals related to their educational experience as well. Dreambox Technologies is a great resource that every school will need to understand in time.

On a device provided by the school, Te’Sean and all other students at Wesport Elementary can learn math at their own pace. The exercises are personalized as students get it right or wrong.
~ Jenifer Abreu

Dreambox Technologies is a great resource that helps students learn math skills.

Math skills are often hard to learn and kindergarten students are showing progress in a number of ways. Dreambox Technologies wants to make services more widely available to people who need them to most. Educational experience counts when it comes to important details people will understand. Students know that they can contribute to ongoing educational offerings in school.

Key Takeaways:

To help them learn math, students in Springfield, Mo. are using technology in the classroom.
Students complete personalized math problems through games on DreamBox Learning.
DreamBox collects and provides data to educators to help them guide their students.