The Psychosocial Implications of ADHD in Adults #dyscalculia

Do you know someone that has ADHD or otherwise known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Chances are that you do since this occurs in many children. But, have you thought about how this can also affect adults? There is a new study that shows the psychosocial implications of ADHD in adults and how this chronic disorder can be mentally exhausting for the patient and their families.

Compared to healthy individuals, 75% of adults with ADHD also have one other mental health disorder, with anxiety, mood, or personality disorders being the most common.
~ Lauren Mathews Wilson

Being a caregiver to someone with ADHD may be exhausting.

To take a closer look at how it affects patients, you first need to take a look at what it is. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental psychological disorder that presents with traits like being impulsive, hyper and the inability to hold your attention for long. To learn more about ADHD and how it affects not only the patient even through adulthood but also their families, read more in this article.

Key Takeaways:

ADHD is continuous throughout the lifespan, and the negative consequences that begin in childhood continue to manifest into adulthood.
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental psychological disorder that presents with a triad of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
This chronic disorder can be physically and mentally exhausting, both to patients and their families